Cool Grandfather 3D Prints Kid Sized Rocket Ship and Moon Vehicle
My husband is a carpenter, and every time he gets a new tool, he takes the box and turns it into some sort of playhouse or accessory (mailbox, dresser, etc.)…
Printrbot Releases Affordable New Upgrades & Features for Play & Simple 3D Printers–Plus More
In recent months we’ve followed Printrbot as they’ve brought us numerous new releases, produced an educational initiative, and have been the subject of a long long list of positive headlines due to ongoing…
Meet Buggy the Walking 3D Printed Robot
When I was a kid, well after my grandfather had retired, his workshop was like a veritable candyland for me. It was full of machines and gizmos and tools of…
You Can Now Build Your Own 3D Printed Raspberry Pi Spy Tank
Miska Karvonen is a 24-year-old engineering student from Oulu, Finland. He’s a married man with a 4-year-old son, but he still makes time to build some pretty cool 3D printed…
Brook Drumm Unveils Large Scale Printrbot Pro 3D Printer & the Printrbot Play is Now Available for $399
“Bigger is better!” In the case of gold bars? Yes…. In the case of diamond rings? Yes…. In the case of a spider that lurks under your covers at night?…
Bocusini to Launch Complete System for 3D Printing Food with Pre-Filled Cartridges on Kickstarter Tomorrow
Oh, the joys of 3D printing with food. It’s such a delectable thought, such a height of epicurean savvy, that often when we are 3D printing with other materials—especially around…
The Printrbot Team Assembles 154 Simple Metal 3D Printers in Just 7 Hours
If you are at all interested in 3D printing, then it’s nearly impossible not to be a fan of Printrbot’s Brook Drumm. Just listening to the man talk for ten…
PhD Student Designs 3D Printable Wind Turbines to Bring Cheap Power to Remote Locations
When most people imagine wind turbines, they think of huge wind farms dominating the landscape with pristine, sleek, white towers, or perhaps instead think about old-fashioned windmills in an idyllic…
3D Printing Shootout: $599 Printrbot Takes on the $25k Stratasys uPrint — and Wins
It’s often said that it’s important to pick your battles. And while Scott Hanselman thought nothing of blazing right into a heady 3D printing shootout, the cards definitely looked to…
Printrbot to Launch Major Education Initiatives — Free One Month Trials & Major Discounts for Schools
Last year I made the bold prediction that by the end of 2014 30-40% of all high schools in the United States would have at least one 3D printer in…
The Printrbot Metal Plus 3D Printer – Coming this Black Friday for $999
It was only about three years ago that a man named Brook Drumm decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign for a 3D printer called Printrbot. Setting a modest goal of…
Make: Magazine Shootout Names Top 10 3D Printers
3D printers are everywhere! They’ve been around for a little while now, of course, with favorites from MakerBot, Formlabs, and others for home use, but now they’re also popping up…
Printrbot Unveils Their New Paste Extruder, Double-Drive Extruder & More
Brook Drumm is one of the more recognizable faces within the 3D printing community. He also happens to be the CEO of a company called Printrbot, and one of the…
Printrbot CEO Brook Drumm Looks to Launch Crowdfunding Campaign for ‘RepRap: The Movie’ Documentary
Brook Drumm… Some may consider him the ‘Mother Teresa of 3D printing’, while others may say he is one of the leaders of the open source movement. While the Mother…
All Micro Center Retail Stores in the US Now Carry Ten Different 3D Printers
Back in July, Home Depot and MakerBot made news when they announced that 12 Home Depot stores would begin carrying MakerBot 3D printers. This came after RadioShack announced in May…
A Kick in the Axis – Crowdfunding a 3D Printing Revolution with $15,748,791.70+
Crowdfunding and 3D printing, they have grown up and matured together over the past few years. Kickstarter, the older brother, and 3D printing his little sister. They have provided great…
Printrbot Begins Putting Their 3D Printer Files Up on YouMagine for Free Download
Open source, you either love the idea or you hate it. It it weren’t for the open sourcing of 3D printer files, the industry would not be nearly where it…
Printrbot CEO Brook Drumm Assembles a HUGE Metal 3D Printer
Printrbot is known for their quality, yet affordable 3D Printers, and are recognized by many for their $599 Simple 3D Printers. Printrbot CEO Brook Drumm has been quite the innovator, selling both…
RadioShack to Begin Carrying PrintrBot Simple 3D Printers in Stores
One question that comes up a lot, when talking about when 3D printing will come to the masses, is if and when we will be able to walk into a…
New Printrbot Simple Maker’s Kit is Released
Printrbot is known for their affordable, yet high quality 3D printers. They offer both assembled and DIY maker kits of their hardware. Unlike most FDM 3D printers on the market…