organ donors
NYU Surgeons Create Realistic 3D Printed Masks for Facial Transplant Donors and Their Families
In the case of some transplants, the organ donor is still alive and can lead a normal life post-surgery, such as someone who donates their kidney. But for many transplant…
Biomedical Research Team in Spain Working on 3D Printed Corneas to Make Up for Lack of Donors
While there have been some companies researching how to 3D print viable human corneas, it’s not something we hear about often…as least not as much as we hear about other…
Driverless Cars Will Mean Fewer Deaths in Auto Accidents; Can 3D Printed Organs Fill the Resulting Organ Donor Shortage?
Self-driving cars have been talked about for a long time, and they’re finally starting to become a reality. There’s a lot to be excited about as we get closer to…
World’s Most Complex Face Transplant Operation Made Possible with 3D Modeling & 3D Printing
Fourteen years ago, 27-year-old volunteer firefighter Patrick Hardison responded with his colleagues to a call for the Senatobia Fire Department in northwest Mississippi. Inside a burning mobile home on September 5,…
3D Printed Models Helped Surgeons Prepare for World’s First Pediatric Bilateral Hand Transplant
As many 8-year-old boys do, Zion Harvey wanted to swing on the monkey bars and to pick up his little sister and swing her around as they played. Zion, however,…
Why MakerBot’s Bre Pettis Thinks Driverless Cars Will Stimulate Innovation Within 3D BioPrinting
Probably one of the few promising new technologies which can arouse a crowd as easily as 3D printing can, would be driverless cars. We all have heard by now that Google…