Oceanz and AM-Flow Collaborate to Sort and Pick 3D Printed Parts Automagically
3D printing service Oceanz has implemented two AM-Flow modules, AM-VISION and AM-SORT, to automate aspects of their manufacturing workflow. AM-VISION is an automated part identification module that uses machine vision…
Will Medical 3D Printing Be Local or International? Oceanz Launches Service for Dutch Hospitals
3D printing service bureau Oceanz has launched a 3D print service specifically for Dutch hospitals. This service will offer medical models, specifically those used for preoperative planning. But the company…
3D Printing and COVID-19, April 29, 2020 Update
Companies, organizations and individuals continue to attempt to lend support to the COVID-19 pandemic supply effort. We will be providing regular updates about these initiatives where necessary in an attempt to ensure…
3D Printing News Briefs: July 16, 2019
We’re starting today’s 3D Printing News Briefs off on a story with a deadline – LulzBot is currently having a two-day Amazon Prime Day Sale. Moving on with other business…
Sea Creatures Inspire Lilian van Daal’s Sustainably 3D Printed Chair
Radiolaria are one-celled microorganisms that take their name from the radial symmetry of their spines; they are found in the ocean as zooplankton and while they may be tiny, they…
Oceanz and Cooperative DOOR Partner to Stop Food Waste with 3D Printed Vegetables
I recently saw a viral tweet circulating that read, “My waiter asked, ‘Now, do we want straws OR do we want to save the turtles?’ and honestly we all deserve that…
Students Create Fully Recyclable 3D Printed Car
It’s well known that cars, overall, are not very good for the environment. Still, they’re necessary for people to get from one place to another – it’s unlikely we’ll ever…
Dutch Fashion Designer Maartje Dijkstra 3D Prints a Moving, Breathing Dress Inspired by Traditional Dutch Costumes and Insect Exoskeletons
Dutch fashion designer Maartje Dijkstra used a 3D printing pen, a desktop 3D printer, LED lights and micromotors to create an incredible avant garde dress that is both stunning and,…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — March 12
In this week’s 3D printing news, we see that change is in the air — as always. Shapeways has just added a new coating that will make your 3D scanned and printed selfies…
Netherlands: Firefighters to Train with XVR’s 3D Printed Water Nozzles, Fight Virtual Reality Fire
While many of us come home after a long day and exhale, relaying to our partner–or anyone who might listen–that we spent all of our time putting out fires, it’s…
Blind Dutch Girl Receives Incredible 3D Printed Statuette in Her Own Likeness for 16th Birthday
The power of people and technology coming together to do thoughtful things for others is what often makes 3D printing so powerful and interesting on many levels. With the ease of…
Designer 3D Prints Amazing Hand-Crank Fan in One Piece
One of the most intriguing aspects of following the 3D printing space is that I have the opportunity to see all sorts of new, incredible creations come about which previously…