Nanyang Technological University
University at Buffalo Students Promote World Peace with 3D Printed Shoes
If you’ve let your mind take a brief stroll around the latest innovations involving both fashion and 3D printing technology, you’d probably notice some exciting things that have been happening right beneath…
Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University Opens New 3D Printing Research Centre
3D printing is growing all around the world. As business, education, and political leaders see the kinds of manufacturing changes that the technology ushers in, it opens up more opportunities for…
Researchers Mix Titanium and Tantalum Alloys to Improve Stress Absorption of 3D Printed Implants
Alloys made of either titanium or tantalum hold a massive amount of value within the medical industry, particularly when it comes to 3D printing patient-specific implants. Over the past couple…
Singapore Developing Plans for 3D Printed Public Housing
Singapore has been one of the busiest locations in the 3D printing industry lately. The city-state has made 3D printing a major priority, with several large centers and organizations dedicated…
Singapore Research Organizations Prepare to Become Major Players in Bioprinting R&D
Just as the spectacular city-state of Singapore is a leader in Asia on so many fronts, so are numerous up and coming organizations and companies, within its realm, regarding 3D…
Design a 3D Printable Toy or Logo, Win $10,000 in Cash — 2015 Singapore International 3D Printing Competition
While 3D printing is busy blasting down quite a few barriers lately regarding manufacturing and design, one I enjoy the most is the progress of 3D printing toy makers. As so many…
Students in Singapore Use 3D Printing to Create a Pair of Solar Powered Vehicles
They’re called the the NTU Venture 8 and NTU Venture 9, and they’re a pair of student-designed project vehicles mounted on carbon fiber chassis structures which make use of solar…