3D Printed WHO Bioassay Kit Parts Could Help Combat Malaria
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), malaria is a mosquito-born disease caused by a parasite. While roughly less than 2,000 cases are diagnosed annually in the…
Summer is a Good Time to Test This New 3D Printed Mosquito Catcher
August is a good time to talk about mosquitoes—mainly our frustration with them—as the heat, rain, and mugginess of the summer months roll on, leaving researchers from both the UK…
Inexpensive 3D Printed Membrane Feeder Aids in Malaria Studies
According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2016 roughly 445,000 people around the world died of malaria, a serious disease caused by a parasite that often infects a certain…
Important Lessons from Mosquitoes in a 3D Printed Arena
Smell is a powerful memory trigger. If you smell cookies, it may remind you of your grandmother’s house, while the scent of sunscreen may bring back memories of a favorite…