medical model
3D Printing News Unpeeled, Live with Joris Peels Friday 12th of August
Today we will be talking about a model of a cranium, Prellis Biologics new raise, 3D printing actuators for a hand that moves like a human one as well as…
3D Technologies a Vital Component of First Face Transplant Procedure in Belgium
Despite the fact that the 1997 movie Face Off made the transferring of a face from one person to another look as simple as going to the dentist for a…
Duke Embracing 3D Printing for Surgical Care
There is practically no area of medical practice that has not been impacted by advances in 3D printing technologies. Whether in the form of custom made prosthetics, the development of…
Surgeons in China Remove Patient’s Malignant Tumor and Six Vertebrae, Replace Them with 3D Printed Titanium Alloy Bones
I’m always fascinated at how 3D printing technology has been used during spinal procedures and surgery. 3D printed surgical guides have been used to help in scoliosis operations, and as…
Using Virtual Reality to Travel Inside the Human Brain
It’s hard not to be fascinated by virtual reality. The fantasy of being able to immerse yourself in a nonexistent environment and navigate as if you are part of it…
Dem Bones Seeks to Revolutionize Veterinary Education with 3D Printed Canine Skeletons
We’ve shared a lot of stories with you about the benefits that 3D printing has provided for medical education, for example the 3D anatomy series produced by Monash University. Now a project…
Heart Transplant Surgery Performed With Help of Color Coded 3D Printed Model
There comes a day in everyone’s life when they realize that the human heart bears no resemblance to that double lobed drawing that shows up on Valentine’s Day cards and cheap…
Chinese Surgeons Use 3D Printing to Aid in Intricate Spinal Surgery
It is becoming increasingly common to see 3D printed models serve as part of the surgeon’s preparatory tool kit. This week, surgeons at Fujian Medical University’s affiliated hospital were aided…
Chinese Surgeons 3D Print a Spine Replica to Help with Incredibly Delicate Surgery
Every day it seems like another incredible medical application for 3D printing emerges. Whether it’s affordable customizable prosthetic devices, the actual printing of biological material, or the numerous surgeries that are…
Surgeon in India Uses a 3D Printed Surgical Tool to Repair a 16 Year Old’s Broken Hip
2014 brought us a lot of inspirational stories from within the medical field, thanks to 3D printing. We have seen the technology make previously inoperable surgeries possible, and we have…