
3D Printing News Briefs, December 15, 2022: 4D Printing, On-Demand Manufacturing, & More

We’re starting out with research in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, as a Purdue University team is adding a fourth dimension to 3D printing. Then we move on to business,…

3D Printing News Briefs, August 25, 2021: Software Beta, Self-Replicating Printer, & More

We’re starting with materials in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, as XJet as announced the commercial availability of alumina ceramic. Moving on, Raise3D has announced the ideaMaker 4.2.0 beta, and…

Xbox Controller Becomes Throttle and Joystick for Microsoft Flight Simulator via 3D Printing

Do you remember when Rock Band and Guitar Hero both arrived on the gaming scene, and suddenly everyone was obsessed with singing and playing music, acting like their skills at…

3D Print Your Own Reinforced Prof Competition 9000 Gaming Joystick

Any child of the ’70s or ’80s is probably going to be at least passingly familiar with the video game joystick. While early arcade games are where they were first…