Joris Column: Printcrime, augmenting humans, nanoconvergence and Segway polo
Often only a few years separate the tinfoil hats from the millionaires to be. I was writing the piece on the Youbionic arm and thinking of how we will use…
3D Printed Robot Goes for an Unnerving Jog in the Park
Many of us are sharing our living spaces with robots these days, whether they’re named Siri, Alexa, or DJ Roomba. We’re not quite at the Jetsons level yet, though, of…
3D Printing Gets Cheeky for April Fool’s 2018
Ah, spring. The holiday season is behind us, the world is in bloom, and we’re all thinking of the delights of the warmer months. Mother Nature isn’t the only one…
What If 3D Printing Plastics Were Superheroes?
Plastic is the most popular material used for 3D printing and the cheapest one. We decided to make this ordinary topic a bit funnier than it really is and compared…
Top Ten Ways 3D Printing Will Kill You and Your Loved Ones
Many people somehow see 3D printing as some benign force. The technophile’s latest solution to the world’s ills is a small box that spits out plastic. It too, as the…
3D Printing Censorship Raises Important Questions…Maybe
There was a moment in my childhood when I learned of the existence of a man named Dick Buttkiss that I realized perfection existed in tiny pockets of real life….
Psychic Hotline Confirms Motive Behind Theft of Polar 3D Printers
When a terrible crime is committed, one of the first questions asked is “Why?”You may recall the story of the highly selective thieves who smashed their way into the Polar…
10 Signs That Give Away the Fact That You Own a 3D Printer (Humor)
With the increasing popularity of certain movies, books, video games, and other technologies, comes the increasing awareness of new groups of individuals who relate to each other by a common…