Hinetics 3D Prints Heatsinks for Electric Aviation via Protolabs
Hinetics aims to help electrify flight. To achieve this, it needs high-performance components, including those for heat sinking. Founded in 2017 by Dr. Kiruba Haran, Hinetics makes electric motors for…
Zortrax 3D Printers Save on Prototyping Costs & Time for Smart Glass Solutions
Many companies will outsource the 3D printing of their rapid prototypes to service bureaus and other external subcontractors, which is obviously a lengthier process than printing them in-house. For example,…
Researchers Create Fuzzy Like PI Controller to Control FFF 3D Printer Extruder and Bed Heaters
I learn all kinds of interesting things writing about 3D printing every day. Much to my chagrin, today I learned that a fuzzy print controller is not actually fuzzy or…
Controlling Thermal Distribution in 3D Printing with an Induction Coil
Many things can cause defects in 3D printed parts, including the buildup of residual stress during the printing process. This can be caused by uneven thermal distribution. In a thesis…