flexy-hand 2

Researchers Integrate 3D Printing & Wearable Sensors to Make Accessible Prosthetic Hand

A trio of researchers from UC Berkeley and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology recently published a paper, titled “Mechatronics Enabling Kit for 3D Printed Hand Prosthesis,” about how…

10-Year-Old Business Owner Does a Lot of Good With Self-Built 3D Printer

There’s no doubt about it, kids these days really seem to enjoy 3D printing. Lots of new 3D printers on the market are kid-friendly and pretty easy to use, like…

Anatomiz3D’s First Attempt at a 3D Printed Prosthetic is a Major Success

Most people, if asked if they’d rather lose a few fingers or an entire hand or arm, would think the answer should be obvious. The less lost the better, right?…

Three Year Old Gets His Own Iron Man e-NABLE Prosthetic Hand

While superheros are often dismissed as adolescent power fantasies or childish wastes of time, for many of us who grew up reading comic books we knew that they were so…

The Most Realistic 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Yet! – Steve Wood’s Flexy-Hand Filaflex Remix

When it comes to prosthetic hands and arms, 3D printing has been making a huge impact, especially when we talk about accessibility for children and teenagers. Children are at a…

Flexy-Hand 2 – Filaflex Remix: 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Looks and Moves Like the Real Thing

I couldn’t count how many different stories we have done on 3D printed prosthetic hands. Most of these stories have come our way from various e-NABLE members. e-NABLE is a group…

Next Generation of 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands – The Flexy-Hand 2 – Looks and Feels More Realistic

Back in March, 3DPrint.com reported on a device called the “Flexy-Hand“, a realistic looking 3D printed hand that was printed using FilaFlex flexible filament. Steve Wood, the designer of the…