Hearing Beyond: The Digital Approach to Same-day Custom Ear Molds
This case study is brought to you courtesy of Hearing Beyond and Frank Talarico, MCISc Frank Talarico owns and practices at the Hearing Beyond Audiology and Hearing Clinic in Toronto,…
3D Printing for Mechanical Metamaterials: Pseudo-Mechanism Design & Multistable Units
Nitin Singh and Martin van Hecke, both researchers in the Netherlands, explore pseudo-mechanisms and 3D printing of related building blocks. Their findings are released in the recently published ‘Design of…
TextileLab and Fabricademy: Interview with Anastasia Pistofidou on Sustainably 3D Printing Fashion
Fashion and sustainability are two words that feel as antonyms nowadays. The mass production of clothing and ethically doubtful methods of manufacture give one of the biggest economic forces one…
3D Printing at Dutch Design Week: The Klokgebouw
During Dutch Design Week, the city of Eindhoven becomes a hub for design. Over a quarter of a million people attend and there are over 100 venues and 2500 participating…
Flexible 3D Printing Filaments
Flexible 3D printed materials have a lot to offer us. Rather than just make rigid things, flexible materials can let us make wearables, shoe soles, clothing and other things such…
Keep an Ear on Your Core Temperature with 3D Printed Earables
The core temperature of the human body can reveal a number of things about a person’s health. The presence of a fever is the most obvious one, but changes in…
Inside 3D Printing New York: Delayed by Winter Storm, the Show Goes On
Attendees of the Inside 3D Printing New York Conference & Expo (I3DP) were in for quite a surprise this week, as winter storm Stella wreaked havoc with travel plans. The…
Design Your Own 3D Printable Insoles with Gensole, a Free Browser-Based Tool from Gyrobot
3D printing has made amazing things possible in the field of medicine, but obviously many of those things aren’t possible for the average maker to create at home. 3D printing…
Steve Wood Discovers How to 3D Print Flexible & Rigid Materials Within Single Layers of a Print – Takes Aim Toward Better Prostheses
With the advent of various new materials which have suddenly become available within the desktop FFF/FDM 3D printing space, comes experimentation to the nth degree. It was only a few…
The Most Realistic 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Yet! – Steve Wood’s Flexy-Hand Filaflex Remix
When it comes to prosthetic hands and arms, 3D printing has been making a huge impact, especially when we talk about accessibility for children and teenagers. Children are at a…
Flexy-Hand 2 – Filaflex Remix: 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand Looks and Moves Like the Real Thing
I couldn’t count how many different stories we have done on 3D printed prosthetic hands. Most of these stories have come our way from various e-NABLE members. e-NABLE is a group…
3D Printing: A look at the market according to Google Trends
Way back in May, we did a story in which we used Google Trends to diagnose the growth rates within the 3D printing market. Since that time the market has…
Gyrobot and Filaflex Introduce 3D Printed Insoles that Podiatrists Can Customize and Print
We have done numerous stories on a man named Steve Wood in the past. His most notable creation was probably the Flexy-Hand 2, which is a prosthetic hand made of…
Unique 3D Printed Fuzzy Watches – Created by Recreus CEO
PLA and ABS are staples when it comes to 3D printing on desktop FDM based 3D printers. These are the two most commonly used materials which are used to create hard,…
Next Generation of 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands – The Flexy-Hand 2 – Looks and Feels More Realistic
Back in March, reported on a device called the “Flexy-Hand“, a realistic looking 3D printed hand that was printed using FilaFlex flexible filament. Steve Wood, the designer of the…
Michele Badia Creates Unique 3D Printed Shoes – Free to Download or Only $49 Already Printed
If you asked me a year ago, if we would be wearing 3D printed shoes anytime soon, I probably would have given you a good belly-laugh. I would have told…
Recreus Introduces Sneakerbot II Flexible 3D Printed Shoes Using Filaflex Filament.
When some people think about the future that they expected to see today, they imagine what they thought the future would be like back in the 80’s. For example, the…