colorfabb xt
3DPrinTravel: World Traveler Brings Every Destination a 3D Printed Piece of Itself
Italian engineer Angelo D’Angelo has two big obsessions: travel and 3D printing. Worthy obsessions indeed, even on their own, but the creative D’Angelo has come up with a way to…
This Week’s 3D Hubs Events Celebrate a NavLab in Nice and Offer a ColorFabb Workshop in Toronto
In the past 2 years, 3D Hubs has become well known in the 3D printing scene with (currently) 19,895 registered hubs. Internationally, almost all cities have a hub. What exactly is a “hub”?…
French Teen Creates a Functioning, Completely 3D Printed Vise
When it comes to 3D printed objects, most people immediately envision little trinkets and toys cluttering up a coffee table or desk. This is far from the whole story, however….
Dutch Man Builds Own 3D Printer out of Colorfabb XT Filament & It’s Amazing
We are constantly seeing new 3D printers hit the market. There are big ones, small ones, wooden printers, metal printers, printers with single extruders or even quad extruders, but we…