3D Printing News Briefs: March 28, 2017
In this Tuesday edition of 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re covering everything from 3D printers, printing materials, 3D scanning software, and virtual reality to business partnerships and future flight technologies….
Tiny 3D Printed Model of Manhattan Shatters Kickstarter Funding Goals within a Few Days
Have you ever wandered around a major city and felt completely dwarfed by your surroundings? I felt that way on a recent visit to New York City. It’s one thing…
Oslo, Norway Makes 3D Printing an Integral Part of Future Urban Planning with 3D Printed Model of City
If you visit the Agency for Planning and Building Services in Oslo, you’ll see the results of the agency’s monumental effort to create a complex, small-scale model of the Norwegian…
3D Printing a City, An Architect’s Dream
Every day, more and more companies, spanning almost every area of business adopt 3D printing as a method of increased productivity. Take for example an architecture and design firm named…