
First Hospital in the U.S. 3D Prints ActivArmor Casts On-site

Back in 2017, Colorado company ActivArmor went nationwide with its customizable, removable, waterproof 3D printed casts, noted once as a “killer application” for additive manufacturing. The use of ActivArmor casts…

Prosthetic Dental Treatments: Traditional Stone Casts vs. 3D Printed Casts

Egyptian researchers Passent Aly and Cherif Mohsen compare the benefits of 3D printing with conventional techniques for the production of prosthetic dental casts, releasing the findings of their study in…

Researchers Take Patient Heat Sensitivity Into Account When Developing 3D Printable Orthopedic Cast

Traditional plaster casts for broken bones are not much fun at all, unless you’re a kid and can ask all of your friends to sign it in a rainbow of…

WASP Teams With Rizzoli Institute to Make 3D Printed Conductive Casts & Cranial Implants

3D printing and medicine are converging at a rapid pace. It seems as though it was just a few years ago that any mention of the two together would have…

Russian Company Looks to Bring 3D Printed Casts to Market

When it comes to medical uses for 3D printing, over the past couple years, the world has been introduced to a plethora of them. We’ve seen 3D printing used to…