butterfly wings

3D Printed Nanostructures to Create Structural Colors like Butterfly Wings

From fashion and art to research in color and lightweighting, butterfly wings have inspired many an innovation, most recently a team of researchers from ETH Zurich whose latest work could…

Julia Körner’s 3D Printed Jacket Inspired by Butterfly Wings

The delicate wings of a butterfly have inspired a great deal of 3D-printed innovations, such as stronger structures for electronics and ultra lightweight geometries for better load bending, unique artwork,…

Swiss Researchers Inspired by Butterfly Wing Structure in 3D Printing Ultra-Lightweight Structures

Swiss researchers Marco Pelanconi and Alberto Ortona (both from Mechanical Engineering and Materials Technology Institute (MEMTI), University of Applied Sciences (SUPSI)) are testing 3D lightweight structures inspired by butterflies. With…

University of Surrey Replicates Butterfly Wing Structures Using 3D Printed Ceramics

Just about everyone loves butterflies, I think, even people who hate insects in general. It’s hard not to be amazed by their beauty and the incredible variety of colors they…