3d printing teaching materials

learnbylayers Partnering with UK’s National STEM Learning Center for 3D Printing Lessons

In the fall, a helpful 3D printing curriculum resource for teachers called learnbylayers was launched by Philip Cotton, one of the first teachers in the United Kingdom to introduce 3D printing in the classroom. Not long after,…

3DP4E Releases Second Edition of Free 3D Print Resource eBook

One of the most enjoyable aspects of 3D printing culture is the devotion to the free flow of information. Whether through releasing STL files on Instructables or creating open source…

3D ThinkLink Aimed At Teaching At-Risk Students 3D Design and Printing Skills

Lynda Mann and Allen O. Cage are the co-founders of the YouthQuest Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization headquartered in Chantilly, VA., created to provide opportunities for at-risk youth – particularly high school…

Teachers Are Using 3D Printed Manipulatives to Help Children Understand Math

It’s all about a “hands-on” approach for a group of California teachers who are using what they call “manipulatives,” toys and tools to help kids learn by doing with 3D…

Kideville Aimed at Bringing 3D Printing and Urban Planning Skills to Students

It’s all about the children at Kidesign, an ed-tech startup aimed at building educational kits and bringing 3D printing into school curricula. Alberto Rizzoli and Dejan Mitrovic say they decided…