3d printing and robotics

Fraunhofer ILT Debuting New Process That Combines Welding, 3D Printing, and Robotics

How often do you combine welding, 3D printing, and robotics? We typically see variations of two of these three things paired together, but not often all three in the same…

3D Printed Robot Prototype Inspired by Hitchhiker Fish Can Cling to Underwater Surfaces

These days, you don’t often see a person standing alone on the side of the highway with their arm out and their thumb up, looking to hitch a ride –…

Researchers Use 3D Printed End Plates and Paper Origami Mechanisms to Create Flexible, Inching Robots

A team of students and professors from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have been working on innovative research that illustrates how they used bio-inspired design and origami structures to…

MIT CSAIL’s Interactive Robogami System Makes it Easy to Design and 3D Print Your Own Origami-Inspired Robots

For years, researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have been working with 3D printing and robotics, making robots 3D printed in one step and 3D printed…

Inexpensive Robot with Open Source, 3D Printed Components Cracks a Safe in 30 Minutes at Hacker Convention

While the 3D printed, PIN-protected door lock by HPI looks cool, I’m pretty sure that a determined thief would find a way to get past it. The 3D printed, heavy…

14-Year-Old Creates Low-Cost Cancer Detection Platform Combining 3D Printing, Robotics, Computer Programming

Whoever said that kids are the future was pretty smart. Now that 3D printing technology is much more readily available in schools, libraries, and makerspaces, we’re seeing young, innovative minds…

UC San Diego Researchers’ Soft Robot Can Walk Over Rough Terrain with Four 3D Printed Legs

We’ve seen some pretty fascinating 3D printing research in the medical field out of the University of California San Diego over the last couple of years, like a 3D printed…

MIT’s Mediated Matter Lab Develops Mobile, Autonomous Robot and 3D Prints Large Dome Structure in Hours

3D printing has revolutionized how we manufacture things today, from the smallest nanostructures to the tallest buildings. One institution that always seems to be right in the thick of the…

Duke University Students Use 3D Printing to Create Robotic Vehicle, Designed to Keep Police Officers and Civilians Safe

I, like probably most American drivers, have been pulled over by the cops a time or two. They were fairly minor incidents: speeding, and once for a burned out headlight….

FAMU-FSU College of Engineering Awarded $960K National Science Foundation Grant to Study Robotics and Future Manufacturing Needs

It seems like every morning when I turn on my favorite radio show, the DJs are talking about whatever random holiday it is. Forget the well-known ones, like Christmas, Valentine’s…

Thermosetting Composite Materials: Atropos Creates New Relationship Between 3D Printing & Robotics

Most of us are aware, if only vaguely, of the story of the Three Fates in Greek mythology. Also known as the moirai, the three goddesses (and sisters) played quite…

Set Up Your Own Tend.ai Mini-Factory with a Robot Manager & Team of 3D Printers

It’s often said that while robots are able to do jobs that humans simply can’t, whether that’s because they are working in extreme or overtime conditions, sometimes robots are able…

Sex, WiFi, & 3D Printing: The Secrets to Happy Robot Reproduction in Amsterdam

“…And a robot is born.” Remember that part of your heart reserved solely for fluffy kitties, furry puppies, and sleepy hedgehogs? Tell everyone to scooch over—that’s right—and make some room…

World Economic Forum Report: Existing Workforce Must Prepare, Re-Skill & Up-Skill for Impending Fourth Industrial Revolution

“If every tool, when ordered, or even of its own accord, could do the work that befits it… then there would be no need either of apprentices for the master…

3D Printed MrRobot Gives You Voice, Touch & Shake Control of Open Source Rapiro Robot

Previously, it would have been hard imagining devices like the topic of this article–useful products being printed layer by layer, brought into existence at the desktop, and controlled wirelessly by…

The 3D Printed OctaWorm Robot Can Go Where No Other Robot Can

Imagine a collapsed building that has been reduced to a pile of tangled rubble, steel beams and debris. Now try to imagine how many living people may be trapped under…