3d printed tank
Sciaky’s EBAM Technology Used for 3D Printing Submarine Parts
US company Sciaky has long had a role out of the limelight but close to the US defense community. The company’s Electron Beam Welding and Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing technologies have…
Gambody Continues to Impress with Flawlessly Detailed 3D Printed Models of a Soviet Tank and a MechWarrior Catapult
New 3D printing marketplaces are launched all the time, but it’s the niche marketplaces that I find really interesting. Take a site like Gambody, for example. The site, first launched in…
Gambody Adds 3D Model of Merkava MK2 Tank to Armoured Warfare Collectibles
The Merkava MK2 tank first rolled out into the service of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) back in 1983, seen as a vast improvement over the first version of the…
You Can Now Build Your Own 3D Printed Raspberry Pi Spy Tank
Miska Karvonen is a 24-year-old engineering student from Oulu, Finland. He’s a married man with a 4-year-old son, but he still makes time to build some pretty cool 3D printed…
Istanbul Engineer Develops Modular 3D Printed Robot for Full-Service Platform or Push Toy
The combination of 3D printing and electronics often leads to technological marvels on all levels, and certainly allows today’s makers a wide range of latitude — along with functionality and…
The Pi Tank – 3D Printed Open Source Smartphone Controlled Raspberry Pi Robot
It’s really amazing to see all of the unique ways people have been utilizing 3D printing in their lives. We are finally beginning to see trends emerge within the desktop…
3D Printed Panzer Tank Prints Without Supports & Features Fully Movable Parts
My favorite things to 3D print are objects that come off the printer with fully movable parts and don’t require a huge amount of assembly or any messy glue. As time goes…