3D printed satellite components

Lockheed Martin’s $450M Bet on Terran Orbital to Boost Satellite Production

Lockheed Martin (BCBA: LMT) is buying Terran Orbital (NYSE: LLAP), a company that’s been quietly shaking up satellite manufacturing with its 3D printing. This $450 million deal is set to…

China Sets New Standard with 3D Printed Parts in Latest SAR Satellite Launch

In an era where space exploration and satellite technology are advancing at an unprecedented pace, the successful launch of the SmartSat-2A satellite, better known as Zhixing-2A, on February 3, 2024,…

Cracks Emerge in 3D Printed Toilet, Titomic Cold Spray Used in Satellite and Nanoscribe 2GL

We previously spoke about Dubbo Regional Council implementing a $300,000 (Australian dollar) 3D printed block of toilets. That same block is now exhibiting hairline cracks and needs to be repaired….

Singapore’s First 3D Printed Component Launched into Space Carries Works of Art

Last December, the Zeus-1 nano spacecraft reached orbit aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Developed by Singapore space venture Qosmosys, Zeus-1 is an evaluation platform for promising in-space technology experiments…

3D Printing News Unpeeled: SwissTo12 Sells Satellite

Swiss 3D printing satellite component firm SwissTo12 has so far just made RF and other components but has just sold its first complete satellite. Underwriters Laboratories and the Georgia State…

Optisys Joins UK’s Satellite Applications Catapult to 3D Print Satellite Parts

U.S. firm Optisys has joined the Satellite Applications Catapult Co-space facility in Harwell, U.K., part of the U.K.’s 40-site Catapult network meant to accelerate the deployment of new technologies through…