3D NanoDrip printing
3D Printing Beyond the Nanoscale Could Yield Completely New Machines
“After all this, you have just got one little baby lathe four thousand times smaller than usual.¨ – Richard Feynman For decades, humanity has searched for ways in which we…
Nanodrip 3D Printing Technology May Soon Enable Lightning Fast Touchscreen Devices
I was having a lot of trouble with my smartphone the other night. I just got the thing about six months ago, and it’s already acting up. It keeps freezing,…
Nano-Scale 3D Printing Technology Helps Researchers Print the Smallest Color Picture Ever Printed
Measuring itself at an astoundingly tiny 0.0092 mm, or 80 µm x 115 µm, in size Guinness World Records Limited has just named ETH Zurich and their spin off company…