2016 olympics


Going for Gold: All of the Ways 3D Printing Is Used for the Olympic Games

The Olympics are my favorite sporting event—I scream at the television during sand volleyball and speed skating the way other people do during football games, American or otherwise. Nearly 29…

3D Printing: The Stories We Missed This Week — August 13, 2016

Another week, another set of 3D printing stories from around the world that we’ve yet to have the chance to cover. For starters, Wanhao USA has continued their North American…

3D Printing: The Stories We Missed This Week — August 6, 2016

It’s been quite the week in 3D printing news, and as per usual, there was just too much happening around the world to cover it all. For starters, a group of…

Statue of Zeus: Stratasys 3D Prints an Ancient Wonder of the World to Mark Olympic Opening

The ancient world was a strange and wonderful place — and chief among the wonders of the time were a series of specially noted Wonders of the World. These seven…

World Champion Sprinter Refines Technique to Beat Her Own Time; Nike Refines Running Shoes in 3D Print

Founded in 1964, it would seem that over the years Nike has only continued to pick up the momentum in a fierce market driven by constant customer demand and sports and…

Olympic Athletes May Soon Wear These Ridiculously ‘Cool’ Face Masks – Thanks to Nike, 3D Printing & Aston Eaton

When it comes gaining an edge in sports, athletes stop at no end in order to run a little faster, hit a little harder, and jump a little higher. No…

Artist to Use 100,000 Plastic Litter Bottles to 3D Print a 12-foot Long Madonna Statue for 2016 Olympics

When it comes to pollution, one of the most detrimental issues we are dealing with as a society, besides global warming, is the massive build-up of plastic waste floating within…