4D Printing

China: Origami Used to Strengthen 4D Metamaterials Resulting in a Tunable Miura-ori Tube

Chinese researchers explore not only the inspiration of origami designs and structures in science and technology today, but also the uses of 4D printing in a range of industrial applications….

Imperial College of London: 4D Printing with Multi-Metals on the Desktop

3D printing involves countless different types of hardware, software, and materials. It is the perfect medium for continual experimentation—even into a different and more unknown realm like 4D. And once…

Berkeley Researchers Studying Progress & Challenges in 4D Printing

While 3D printing allows for many users to create complex geometries not before possible, 4D printing does that and more with materials and textures that respond to their environment and…

Rutgers Engineers 4D Printing Smart Metamaterials for Industrial Applications

Engineers at Rutgers University–New Brunswick are advancing beyond the realm of 3D printing, now fabricating smart materials in 4D that will transform as needed, according to their environment. Such structures…

Chemists Streamline Techniques for 3D and 4D Printing with Multiple Materials

If your mind hasn’t been blown enough with 3D printing, bioprinting, and the potential for everything from 3D printed homes, cars, and even organs—get ready to be awed even further…

Interview with Nicole Hone who uses 4D Printing to Make Tangible Animation

A unique vision of underwater plants could pave the way for new film experiences. The film industry is going into new places with 3D printing, such as with the Black Panther’s…

Portuguese Researchers Review Potential of 4D Bioprinting in Regenerative Medicine

3D printing has been progressing rapid-speed over the past few years, with numerous forays to the next level into 4D printing, whether in serious world-changing endeavors or those that are…