Photocentric Expands with New 3D Printer, Materials, and Partnerships
Photocentric is the inventor of, and leader in, 3D printing based on LCD screen technology. Based in Cambridgeshire, UK and Arizona, US, the company has a patent in visible light…
Innovative TubeSats Deployer 3D Printed Using Windform XT 2.0
We know they are up there. Sending signals, collecting information. Put into space by powerful entities, using the latest technology. I’m talking, of course, about satellites. But before you go…
Paperless Parts Launches Smart Marketplace for Sourcing Custom 3D Printed Parts
Paperless Parts is set to kick the 3D printing revolution into high gear with its new smart marketplace for sourcing custom parts. Working with a number of partners, they use…
Business Leaders at Davos Put Job Loss Blame on Technology
World leaders, business and otherwise, are gathered for a top tier economic forum in Davos, Switerzland, bringing the Swiss town’s population from a mere 11,000 to over 30,000. This forum,…