the future of 3d printing
Terry Wohlers Discusses the Future of 3D Printing at Inside 3D Printing Keynote
In this morning’s keynote at Inside 3D Printing San Diego, Terry Wohlers, Principal Consultant and President of Wohlers Associates, Inc., presented his thoughts in a session titled, “The Future of…
Predictions for Future Include a Healthy Dose of 3D Printing
We’re only a couple of days in to the new year and so the idea of 2016 still feels like the future…and, for now, most of it is. So, without…
Soon You’ll Roll Up Your 3D Printed, LE-OFET, Flexible Computer And Put It in Your Shirt Pocket
Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs) were originally developed to produce extremely low-cost, large-area electronics aimed at producing printable and flexible electronic devices. Researchers at Japan’s National Institute for Materials Science say…