space 3d printer
International Consortium Delivers New Microgravity 3D Printer Prototype to European Space Agency
The majority of our planet is on a race to the outer regions of space, and it’s a well-known fact now that 3D printing can help us remain there for…
New 3D Printer Heads to the ISS Today; Self-Sustainability in Space Continues to Expand
The challenges for space travel are pretty simple to begin with, in concept. We must find a powerful method to shoot us there, up and out into orbit, and we…
Tiertime Teams with Chinese Aerospace Institution to Build Microgravity Capable 3D Printers
Last year, NASA and Made In Space teamed to send the first microgravity 3D printed into space. This allowed them to test the feasibility of printing objects on-demand from the…
First Ever Functioning 3D Printed Object Has Been Fabricated in Space by NASA & Made In Space
One of the more fascinating applications for 3D printing is the fabrication of object in Space. NASA, as well as the European Space Industry, and several private companies, are working diligently…
South African Students Develop Mobile, Self-replicating, 3D Printer Meant for Space Exploration
3D printing in outer space has become quite the fad as of late. This is mostly due to the fact that NASA and Made in Space recently sent a zero-g…