Smithsonian Museum
3D Printing News Briefs: February 4, 2020
In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re covering a range of topics. First, Digital Alloys is sharing a guide on the cold spray metal 3D printing process. UPM just launched…
3D Printing News Briefs: September 11, 2019
In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re talking about plenty of new things, from workflows to materials. Carbon and Dentsply Sirona have launched a workflow for the digital printing of…
3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — March 1, 2015
This week’s stories we didn’t cover include technical 3D printing projects, including a bird-like drone and an autonomous robotic car, a Kickstarter campaign for a Tennessee-based 3d printed toy company, and…
Autodesk Releases Free Public Beta Version of Its Reality Capture Software, Memento
Autodesk has upgraded Memento from its status as technology preview to public beta and will soon be releasing a Windows desktop app version that’s cloud-connected. The app can be downloaded…