CT Scanning & 3D Printing Could Reveal New Dinosaur Species Inside Opalized Fossil
In order to get a closer look at, and learn more about creatures that died long ago, like dinosaurs, researchers and historians have turned to 3D printing and 3D scanning…
Reconstructing the Extinct Cave Lion through 3D Printing
The Slovak National Uprising Museum (SNP) is located in Banská Bystrica in the middle of a grassy park. The unusual building holds displays and important archival materials related to the development…
Lost Killer Whales Provide 3D Data for Science
In 2011, three killer whales surprised the public and confused biologists when they swam approximately 70 miles up the Nushagak River. Killer whales, or as they are also known Orcas,…
130,000 lbs Dinosaur, Dreadnoughtus, 3D Scanned, and Miniature Versions Being 3D Printed
Q: How do you study a 130,000-pound dinosaur? A: Any way it wants you to. We have seen numerous ways in which 3D technology has assisted in the research, documentation,…
Art in Bones: 3D Printed Sculptures from The Czech Republic
Czech artist Monika Horčicová creates fantastic conglomerations of 3D printed bones – the kind you imagine could have come from the skeletal remains of Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky. The creations are…