Samsung Galaxy
A 3D Printed Prosthesis Helps a Brazilian Mother Recover her “Missing Piece”
Denise Vicentin is a 52-year-old Brazilian mother who lost her right eye due to skin cancer in 2010, which also left her with a gaping hole in her face and…
Imgur User Beats New Samsung Galaxy S10 ID Scanner with 3D Printed Fingerprint
While we have become well familiarized with the concept that ‘there is an app for that,’ today another common statement in tech-savvy circles is ‘well, you know you could 3D…
Easily Navigate Your Large Smartphone With One Hand – The 3D Printed ‘Greatest Case’
I used to assume that the phrase “It’s been done” applied to practically everything. But then I saw the YouTube video (check it out at the bottom of this page) for “the greatest…
Artist 3D Prints Samsung Galaxy S6 Model, Based on Leaked Specs
Every year well over a billion smartphones are sold worldwide. The market is still growing, and excitement has never been higher. Of course Apple is leading the way on most…