
Siberian Scientist Creates an Amazing 3D Printed Electric Violin

Music dates back to the beginning of human times, bringing joy to the ears of individuals and entire cultures all around the globe, creating camaraderie among strangers, and uplifting the…

The Detail on This Tiny 3-Inch-Long 3D Printed Ship Will Amaze You

When we talk about 3D printing, one of the first benefits of the technology that most people will bring up is its ability to create completely custom objects. We aren’t…

Where is Vladimir Putin? We’ve Found Him in These Hysterical 3D Prints

As the world searches for Russian President Vladimir Putin, the editors at think we may have found him. Putin, who has been uncharacteristically out of the public’s eye for…

Ukrainian Army Using 3D Printed Drones To Battle Pro-Russian Separatists As Cease-fire Nears

If you are at all following international news then you know that the situation along the Ukrainian/Russian border is extremely dangerous. The geopolitical implications of this war, if not settled,…

3D Bioprinted Thyroid Gland by 2015, Kidney by 2018, Says Russian Scientists

Predictions as to when the first living, transplantable organs will be available has been the subject of much debate. However, according to a group of Russian scientists, the release of…

3D Printing May Help Reduce United States’ Reliance on Russian Rockets

3D printing enters the arenas of international diplomacy and outer space as US and Russian relations chill and the Pentagon seeks alternatives to previous high-tech trade arrangements. With the turmoil…

Movement Aims to Squash Internet Censorship With Putin & Kim Jong Un 3D Printed Scratching Posts

Internet censorship has been a hot topic for quite a while. When world governments try to censor what their citizens can view online, people naturally are not going to be…

Russian Company Aquarius To Purchase Equity Stake in 3D Printing & Materials Company Zecotek

The Russian computing company Acquarius has signed a letter of intent to take an equity position in the Canadian company Zecotek. An equity position is an investment that is made…

Russian Election Candidate Cheats the System by Using 3D Printers to Print Promotional Mugs

3D Printing has been catching on world-wide for a variety of reasons. They include advances in medicine, cheaper manufacturing, and personalization of products. However, there is now another reason 3D…