Welcome to the Desktop 3D Printing Revolution, Part 2: Compounding Value
In the previous installment of the series we briefly looked at how the market entry of many materials firms, open 3D printers and many other players in software lead to…
3D Printing News Briefs, June 1, 2024: Sustainability, Cementitious Materials, & More
In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, we’ll start with sustainability research on AM feedstock from AMGTA, and then on to an aluminum alloy with enhanced mechanical properties. University students built…
3D Printed Mannequins, R2-D2s, Guitars, Drag Racers, & More at MRRF 2023
I’ve heard about it for years, but this summer, the stars finally aligned and I was able to attend a much-lauded 3D printing event in Goshen, Indiana: the annual Midwest…
Swarm 3D Printing Heralds Future of Lights-Out Manufacturing
A number of firms have advocated for—and even carried out experiments in—collaborative 3D printing robots. However, few have brought a suite of 3D printing robots to market. Arkansas-based AMBOTS is…
Brook Drumm Returns with Plybot 3D Printer on Kickstarter
In 2018, the 3D printing industry lost one of its most beloved businesses. Printrbot was so popular in part because of its very low-cost, simple 3D printers, but also because…
Adrian Bowyer Continues to Innovate with Magnetic Bed Heater
While his company, RepRap Ltd, provides open source, heavily-printable 3D printers, supplies and services online, Adrian Bowyer continues to invent and develop new ideas for open source 3D printing. The…
Electric 3D Printing by Adrian Bowyer May Take Only a Few Seconds to Build Objects
RepRap Ltd. user and hero of the open-source 3D printing movement Adrian Bowyer endeavors to use an electric current to create a 3D printed liquid plastic monomer that will polymerize…
Cost Sensitivity Analysis Performed for 3D Printed, Open Source Infant Clubfoot Brace
Congential talipes equinovarus (CTEV), perhaps better known as clubfoot, is one of the most common congenital physical deformities, as it occurs at least once every 1,000 births. In countries like…
Open Source 3D Printing in the Spotlight at MRRF 2018: Community, 3D Printers, Championships
To say that open source is a major part of 3D printing would be an understatement in the extreme; indeed, to many, the open source RepRap Project is the most…
3D Printing Talent and Creativity On Display at Midwest RepRap Festival
Approximately four hours west of my base in Cleveland, a straight shot down Interstate 90, is the town of Goshen, Indiana. It’s a small, quiet town, one I knew nothing…
The Top Ten Most Significant 3D Printed Things: The Results Are In
First I came up with a list of the 10 most significant 3D printed things, then this list was expanded upon to include 24 and you could vote to determine…
Vote for the Most Significant 3D Printed Thing in the World 2017
Soooo….a few weeks ago I released the definitive, totally unsurpassable Top 10 3D Printed Things. It turned out that sadly some mere mortals did in fact disagree with me. I’ve decided…
3D Printing Business: Inside BCN3D Technologies
When in Catalonia, do as the Catalonians do; while in a larger-scale view that may be a circumstance set to change up world maps as we currently know them, on…
Five Global 3D Printing Pioneers Inducted at the Inaugural TCT Hall of Fame Awards
It was a busy week at the 22nd TCT Show in Birmingham, which just ended yesterday. Many innovative companies used the international trade fair event as an opportunity to showcase…
3D Printing Educator Spotlight On: Joshua Pearce, PhD, Associate Professor, Michigan Tech
As the global population continues to expand massively, with an estimated 7.5 billion people alive today, sustainability is becoming an ever-more-pressing concern. It takes a lot of energy to support…
The R&D Tax Credit Aspects of RepRap 3D Printers
Modern 3D printing has been decades in the making, but only in the past decade have we seen the proliferation of the technology into the hands of hobbyists, makers, and…
Researchers Developing Self-Replicating 3D Printers for the Moon
We’ve heard a lot about how 3D printing is the future of space exploration. One of the reasons the technology is so critical to space travel is that having a…
Should Desktop 3D Printing Be Open Source or Closed Source?
Open source development has brought a lot of advantages to desktop 3D printing. Is our flirtation with open source a youthful indiscretion that will soon be discarded? Or is open…
MRRF 2017: 3D Printing Community Comes Together to Celebrate 3D Printers, Making and Innovation
My little maker heart is full after spending 48 hours at the 5th Annual Midwest RepRap Festival (aka MRRF) In Goshen, Indiana. Yes, over 1,000 people from 18 countries around…
3D Printing Outside the Box: The Hangprinter Prints in Midair Without Any Limits
3D printers just aren’t what they used to be – and that’s a good thing. There’s nothing wrong with a traditional box-like printer that sits on the floor or on…
Extra Senses: RepRap Ltd. Project Helps People Extend Their Sense of Touch
Most people agree that humans have five senses, and they’re pretty straightforward – we see what’s in the vicinity of our eyes, we hear what sound vibrations reach our ears,…
With Hard Work, Incredible Patience and Wits, Professor Builds Ceramic 3D Printer from a Simple Delta Kit
Update 10/10/16: Taekyeom received some advice on his clay extruder and an engineer said, PVC pipe is not a safe material because PVC can crack, or even shatter. Cooper or…
Portugal’s Reprapalgarve Team Shows Us How to Make a Steel Framed Color 3D Printer for Around $600
Over the weekend, Adam, who is the ten-year-old son of some friends of mine, purchased a very cool, medium sized replica of the Millennium Falcon from a local maker’s shop. I perked…
Top 10 Affordable RepRap Prusa i3 kits for Sale Under $400 at 3D Printers Online Store
The RepRap Project started as a British initiative to develop a 3D printer that can print most of its own components and be a low-cost 3D printer, but it is…