Queensland Museum

3D Printing News Briefs: October 13, 2017

It’s Friday the 13th – instead of walking under ladders, breaking mirrors, or generally going outside at all, it’s probably safest to stay in and read today’s edition of 3D…

3D Printing Furthers Studies into Dental Evolution as Australian Researchers Study Ancient Fish Fossil

If you are going to take a cool, relaxing dip in the ocean, it’s really best just to take your chances and not consider the many other species that are…

Queensland Museum Hopes to Attract Tourists with Life-Sized 3D Printed Dinosaur

Within the ranks of dinosaurs, Rhoetosaurus brownei isn’t one of the most glamorous or well-known. The mild-mannered herbivore lacks the bloodthirsty tendencies that make the Velociraptor and the T-Rex so appealing…