Polaroid ModelSmart 250S
Polaroid and EBP Introduce New 3D Printing Pen and Universal Filament Materials in the UK
Imaging and technology brand Polaroid came bursting from our respective memory banks and onto the 3D printing scene at CES 2016, with the launch of its first 3D printer, the ModelSmart 250S….
Polaroid Will Debut New 3D Printer Models and 3D Printing Pens at CES 2017
I was looking through some old memory boxes last month, and came across a stack of old, slightly discolored Polaroid photos from my 14th birthday party, and a wave of…
Shake it Like a Polaroid Printer: Look Who’s Entered the 3D Printing Market!
Remember Polaroids? If you’re like me, the name probably makes you a bit nostalgic. Back before digital cameras were on the market, the Polaroid camera was the closest you could…