Ten 3D Printable Things: Chocolate, Ice Cube and Jello Molds
This week I found ten fantastic 3D printable molds that can be used to make all sort of fun treats, including chocolates, ice cubes and Jello bites. A few of…
The Top 10 Most Significant 3D Printed Things
The definitive, totally unsurpassable Top 10 3D Printed Things, as selected with exceeding unparalleled rigor by me. You could disagree with this list, but then you would be wrong. These…
3D Central’s 3D Printed Phone Case Helps to Catch a Pikachu
Okay, it’s confession time. I’m a mumblety-mumble-year-old woman and I play Pokémon Go. There, I’ve said it. It feels good to get it off my chest. I know it’s popular…
gCreate Moves to Larger Brooklyn Headquarters
While Brooklyn may not be the Silicon Valley of the East, it certainly is a hub for innovation, especially in the tech world. It was the heart of America’s 3D…
Weekly Roundup: Ten 3D Printable Pokemon Go Things
Unless you’ve been living in a shack in the middle of nowhere on a mountain under a rock for the last week then you’ve probably heard about Pokémon Go. If…
3D Hubs is Celebrating Twenty Years of Pokémon with Adorable Low Poly Pocket Monsters
We were first introduced to the wonderful world of Pokémon twenty years ago in a pair of hugely popular RPG video games for the original Game Boy back in 1996….