Prusa’s Patience with PayPal Has Run Out: 3D Printer Company Founder Warns Companies to Use a Different Payment Service
The Internet has made a lot of things both easier and scarier at the same time, and banking is one of them. I do all of my banking and bill-paying…
Gizmo 3D Ships Printers to Crowdfunder Customers With Surprise Upgrades to Software and Hardware
Last year, the entire 3D printing industry became adrenalized when Carbon unveiled their breakthrough Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP) technology, a truly remarkable production process that is capable of printing objects…
The Gizmo 3D Printer Suffers Delay Due to PayPal Freezing Their Account
This week, Australia-based startup Gizmo 3D Printers has run into a production delay thanks to online payment service PayPal. On an update posted to their successfully funded Indiegogo campaign page,…
Download Jewelry Maker App & Customize Your Own Rings, Pendants & Original Designs for 3D Printing
While 3D printing might be revolutionizing manufacturing, transforming one sector after another with 3D printed rockets, race cars, medical devices, and homes, as well as saving the world—well, that’s all…
CoolNerd Offers 3D Printing Marketplace for Sellers to Market Hardware, Accessories, 3D Printed Models
Delighting us in the juxtaposition of two words not generally attached to one another in previous generations, CoolNerd makes a contemporary statement with their name, espousing the new and elevated…
Show Your Appreciation for MyMiniFactory’s 3D Designers with New Tipping Feature
Anyone who has ever worked for tips will tell you that financial recognition of their above-and-beyond talent, service, or other professional work is one of the best ways to make…