patent law
3DPOD Episode 205: 3D Printing IP with Meggan Duffy, Marshall Gerstein
In this episode of the 3DPOD, we take a deep dive into IP, patents, and more with Meggan Duffy, Partner at Marshall Gerstein. As an entrepreneur our co-host Max is…
Some U.S. Patent Law Basics for 3D Printing
Efforts to patent 3D printing technology are frequently the subject of articles on this website. Preparing and filing a U.S. utility patent application, while a significant endeavor, is only the…
3D Printing and Gaps in Intellectual Property Law
In a paper entitled “From IP Goals to 3D Holes: Does Intellectual Property Law Provide a Map or Gap in the Era of 3D Printing?” author Autumn Smith discusses issues…
3D Printing Patent Landscape
The field of 3D printing has been growing rapidly for years. It has applications in many areas of life and the economy, such as healthcare, aerospace, and parts replacement. 3D…
3D Printed Bio-Tissues: Navigating Patent Protection
Navigating what is patentable in 3D printed bio-tissues is complicated. Generally, laws of nature, natural phenomena, and abstract ideas are patent ineligible. Thus a new mineral discovered in the earth…
Can Your Trademark Fall?
On October 3, 2016, the Supreme Court denied a Petition for Writ of Certiorari Before Judgment in Pro-Football, Inc. v. Blackhorse, 112 F. Supp. 3d 439(E.D. Va. 2015), leaving the…
Avoiding the On-Sale Patent Bar
If you or your company has invented something, be careful to apply for the patent within a year of its first sale. Otherwise, the right to obtain a patent will…
The Supreme Court Writes a New Chapter on Patent Damages — Making an Award of Attorneys’ Fees and Multiple Damages Easier to Obtain and Once Again Changing the Patent Landscape
This article will review the recent history concerning patent litigation, patent damages, and recent changes effectuated by Congress and the Supreme Court. First, a little history. Once upon a time there…
Protecting 3D Printed Designs – Can Trade Dress Rights Fill the Void?
Imagine you’ve designed a new product with 3D printing. Thinking of ways to protect it can be a daunting challenge. Hopefully, you’ll consider some basic agreements with any third parties…
NEXA3D versus NewPro3D: What Happens When You Kickstart Technology without a Patent
About two weeks ago a new 3D printer manufacturer called NEXA3D launched a Kickstarter campaign for the NX1. The superfast light-cured resin 3D printer boasted lightning fast printing speeds thanks…
Exclusive Interview: Legal Expert Marcus J. Thymian Examines Implications of Intellectual Property & Patent Law in 3D Printing
Intellectual property is, obviously, a hot issue in today’s world. With patents having been around for centuries–George Washington signed the first US patent back in 1790, for Samuel Hopkins’ method…
Can 3D Digital Models Be Patented? Federal Courts to Make Key Decision This Summer
When it comes to patents and intellectual property the law has traditionally been notoriously uneven and unclear about what can and cannot be patented. By design, concepts that are considered…
3D Printed Organs Face Uncertainty in Patent Law Language
Nothing is ever as simple as it seems. With over 100,000 people on waiting lists at any given time for organ transplants in the United States alone, the possibility that…