NHS hospitals
3D Scanning & 3D Printing Used in Digital Workflow to Design & Build Custom Neck Orthosis
Custom orthotics made through conventional manufacturing methods require casting, sculpting, molding, and fitting to be completed before they’re ready for the patient to wear. It can take up to six…
3D Printing for COVID-19: ID Badge/Door Opener from 3D LifePrints UK
A number of small companies are attempting to support the supply shortages being faced by hospitals in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak and provide new devices that can reduce…
Researchers Use 3D Printing-Guided Method to Create Thermoresponsive Nanohybrid Scaffolds
3D printed medical implants are typically stiffer and stronger than the surrounding tissue, and while they don’t always adapt well to biological and physical stimuli, that stiffness is important. The biological…
3D Printing Aids in Transplanting a Kidney from Father to Toddler Son
Each year, over 2.4 million patients in acute and specialist hospital and community services are treated through Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, which is one of the largest NHS…
3D Printing News Briefs: January 23, 2018
We’ve got a lot of business to cover in 3D Printing News Briefs today, starting with some big news from Dassault Systèmes – it has been recognized as the world’s…
3D Printed Prostate Model Helped London Hospital Plan Out Robotic Surgery Ahead of International Live Broadcast
We often see 3D printing technology used in collaboration with robotic surgeries…but how would you like it if the world was watching it happen? The Worldwide Robotic Surgery 24-Hour Event,…
Metal 3D Printing Set to Improve Delicate Surgical Procedures
3D printing has had a major impact on many areas, from automobiles and aerospace to consumer products and education to scientific research. But the one that always fascinates me the…
Materialise Uses Advanced Visualization and 3D Printed Surgical Guides in Successful Reconstructive Jaw Surgery
Imagine you’re at the dentist’s office, having a routine cleaning and checkup, and the dental hygienist finds a tumor in your mouth. It sounds like a bad dream, but it…
UK Hospital Uses 3D Printed Molds to Make a New Jaw for a Cancer Survivor
Getting a cancer diagnosis is never a good thing, and even if you beat the disease, there can be lasting health effects. 53-year-old HGV driver and father Stephen Waterhouse, who…
Healthcare Technology Firm axial3D Responds to Surge in Demand for 3D Printed Medical Models and Opens New Facility in Belfast
It’s one thing for surgeons and doctors to prepare for medical procedures by studying up ahead of time by reading books and studies and articles, or maybe watching videos of…
UK Doctors Successfully Remove Tumor with Help From a 3D Printed Prostate Model
3D printed replicas of patients’ organs and internal anatomy for use in surgical pre-planning has very quickly found itself to be one of the more popular new medical 3D printing…