nerve damage

3D Printed Orthotics a Success for Peripheral Nerve Injuries

Releasing the findings of recent case studies in ‘The functional effect of 3D-printing individualized orthosis for patients with peripheral nerve injuries,’ the authors detail how 3D printed orthotics benefited three…

New Study Shows Promise for Repairing Nerve Damage Through 3D Printing

Many injuries to the body can be healed, but nerve damage is something that can be permanent, resulting in the loss of the ability to properly feel, move or utilize…

GWU SEAS Research Team Publishes Study on 3D Printing Synthetic Nerve Tissues to Help Patients with Bone and Nerve Damage

3D bioprinting is a pretty large category, and it isn’t just about manufacturing organs. Scientists and researchers all over the world are using 3D printing technology to build tissue lattices,…

Japanese Researchers Successfully Use 3D Printed Conduits for Nerve Regeneration in Rats

A team of 13 Japanese researchers led by Kyoto University’s Department of Orthopaedic Surgery professor Ryosuke Ikeguchi successfully tested the efficacy of 3D printed conduits in nerve regeneration. Various diseases,…

Scientists Use Microstereolithography 3D Printing to Repair Damaged Nerve Connections

Scientists at Sheffield University are doing work in additive manufacturing and 3D printing that pushes the boundaries of the technology to the limit, and their most recent announcement is very…