metal binder jet

Digital Metal Announces Automated Depowdering for Metal Binder Jet 3D Printing

Automation is pretty important in terms of mass producing 3D printed components, and one AM company that’s all about automation is Sweden-based Digital Metal, a subsidiary of the Höganäs Group—the…

3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: June 13, 2021

In this week’s events and webinars roundup, we’re covering topics like software, metal binder jetting, 3D printing for the luxury sector, and more. So let’s dive right in! What’s New…

New Software Upgrade Triples 3D Printing Speed for Digital Metal’s DM P2500

Back in 2017, metal 3D printing company Digital Metal, founded in 2012 and later acquired by metal powder production leader the Höganäs Group, announced the commercial availability of its high-precision metal…

ExOne Announces 15 New Materials Available for Binder Jetting Systems

Several companies—particularly Desktop Metal, GE Additive, and HP—have garnered a great deal of excitement for their new metal binder jetting technologies with the idea that they are revolutionizing metal additive…