mechanical 3d prints
Thesis Provides Proof of Concept for Using 3D Printing to Improve Design of Internal Pressure Relief Valve
Over the years, 3D printing has proven to be a pretty handy technology to have in one’s toolbox when it comes to making replacement and mechanical parts, like hand water pumps,…
Check Out ‘Saber,’ the 3D Printed Mechanically Complex Character Inspired by Disney Research
Disney is a never-ending source of entertainment–and a bottomless well of inspiration. Steeped in the world of wonderment and innovation for decades, their team is known for having the creativity…
An Incredible Custom Mechanical Clock Made with a ZMorph Hybrid 3D Printer
Matt Olczyk has designed, printed, milled and cut a pretty incredible looking Custom Mechanical Clock. But his trick was that he was able to use the same machine to do it,…
Disney Research Creates Tools For Designing Complex Mechanical 3D Printable Models
There is little doubt in my mind that one day, probably not very far off, we will all have the ability to 3D print robotics and other forms of machinery…