3DHubs Killing Off Its Community? 3D Printing Company Commits Suicide for No Reason.
3DHubs has grown by having a unique premise and idea. The 3Dhubs community of 3D printer operators from all over the world can sign up to 3DHubs and offer their…
Vote for the Most Significant 3D Printed Thing in the World 2017
Soooo….a few weeks ago I released the definitive, totally unsurpassable Top 10 3D Printed Things. It turned out that sadly some mere mortals did in fact disagree with me. I’ve decided…
Introducing the World’s Largest 3D Printed Marvin! It’s Marvelous!
There are those symbols within the 3D printing space that have become, quote on quote, “mascots” for a growing technology. Whether it is the Formlabs “Rook“, the ever so popular…
1/10 Scale ‘Marvin’ is 3D Printed on a Solidscape T76+ 3D Printer & it’s Amazing
3DHubs has quickly become quite the 3D printing sensation. For those of you unfamiliar with the website and business, it is a service that allows those with 3D printers to…