Mark Rushton
With Maturity Comes Disruption: SOLIDWORKS’ Mark Rushton on Additive Manufacturing
Last year’s SOLIDWORKS World featured a great deal of the CAM features of SOLIDWORKS, but this year focus was more on additive manufacturing, Mark Ruston, Product Portfolio Manager – Dassault Systèmes…
Tenacity and Empathy: Unlimited Tomorrow and Stratasys Discuss 3D Printing, Prosthetics, Partnership
This year at SOLIDWORKS World, the focus wasn’t only on the feats of design and engineering made possible through use of SOLIDWORKS and advanced manufacturing techniques including 3D printing —…
3D Printing & Rapid Prototyping in Focus at SWW17
Sometimes a comeback is a great thing; let’s talk about post-2007 Britney, some great moments in sports (that I had to look up), #ThrowbackThursday. Turning back the clock isn’t always…