It’s Easy to Make a 3D Printed Stamp, or Even a Whole Stamp Collection

As a nostalgic craving for the simpler life has been enticing many people to return to earlier technologies like the typewriter, another trend is on the increase for those who want to work with traditional publication technologies, like letterpress…

Stratasys Urges Copyright Office to Deny Proposal for 3D Printer ‘JailBreaking’

Stratasys is asking the US Copyright Office to deny a proposal that would make it legal to “jailbreak” 3D printers to allow the use of third party materials, and the issue…

Matthew Griffin Helps You Finish Your 3D Prints With PLA Welding

So you’ve 3D printed out all the parts you need for your masterpiece and it’s time to begin assembly and finishing. Your work, my friend, has only just begun, and…