makeup 3d printer
Panasonic Smart Mirror Tells You What’s Wrong With Your Face, Then 3D Prints the Makeup to Fix It
I’ve heard it said many times – no one judges you as harshly as you judge yourself. That’s hard to remember sometimes, though, when you’re looking in the mirror and…
Adorn 3D Makeup Printing Pen Promises to Exactly Match Your Skin Tone
It would be a bit of an understatement to say that I’m pale. Glow in the dark, ghostly, vampire – I’ve been called all of those things. As long as…
The Mink 3D Makeup Printer Will Print Colorful Lipstick, Eye Shadow, and More
3D Printing has taken the world by storm, with new innovations and applications within the space coming about almost on a daily basis. Today, a woman named Grace Choi, who…