
3D Factory Incubator Reaches 55 3D Printing Projects in Two Years

Europe’s first 3D printing-focused, high-tech business incubator, 3D Factory Incubator, is part of a growing AM hub in Barcelona and promotes the adoption of 3D printing by creating a space to…

Spanish Leitat1 Field Respirator Performs Initial Tests in ICU

Previously mentioned in our coverage of emergency medical supplies was the Leitat1 bag valve mask (BVM). The emergency respirator, which features 3D printed components and was developed by a consortium…

3D Factory Incubator Successfully Promoting 3D Printing Adoption in First Year

Last year, 3D Factory Incubator, the first high tech business incubator specializing in 3D printing in Europe, celebrated its inauguration in Barcelona. After reporting on a successful first 100 days…

3D Printing Business: Inside the New Collaborative International Advanced Manufacturing 3DHUB

In Terrassa, about 30km north of Barcelona, a mountainside in part of a protected forest houses not only stunning views of the Spanish countryside, but a technological center focusing on…