Legacy Effects
3D Printing Webinar and Event Roundup: August 14, 2022
This week, you can catch Markforged and Stratasys on the road, and ASTM continues its personnel certificate course. America Makes is celebrating its 10th anniversary and holding MMX, and Nexa3D…
3D Printed Props Revolutionize the Film Industry Landscape
The moviemaking industry is facing radical changes as a result of the recent growth in Netflix, Amazon, and other online streaming services. At the same time, movie production costs are…
‘Colony’: Legacy Effects Teams Up with MakerBot to Create One Scary 3D Printed Alien
My list of “shows I need to start binge-watching” keeps getting longer and longer — almost intimidatingly so. Who needs a social life, though, really? The newest entry, which I…
Stratasys & Adobe Partner Up, Streamlining Full-Color 3D Printing via Photoshop CC
Today, two of the biggest names in their respective fields bring an exciting new development to the (ever-more-literally) colorful world of 3D printing, as Stratasys and Adobe announce a new…
Legacy Effects, Now Using Carbon 3D Printers For Projects Including Terminator Genisys
Note: We incorrectly reported that Legacy Effects had ‘switched’ from Stratasys PolyJet printers to using the Carbon 3D Printer, when in fact it is just another tool in the company’s…
Artist Recreates Gabriel from ‘Last Man Standing’ with Full-Size 3D Printed Costume
You may have noticed by now that many gamers and graphic novel enthusiasts, not surprisingly, have taken to the art of 3D design and 3D printing enthusiastically as it allows…
Katy Perry’s Mohawk Helmets Light up the Prismatic World Tour
Last Sunday, the domestic audience watching the New England Patriots’ 28-24 tightrope victory over the Seattle Seahawks was estimated at 120 million viewers. Those numbers make Super Bowl XLIX the…
Stratasys Helps 3D Print 2,000 pound, 14 Foot Tall Giant Creature, ‘Bodock’ For Comic-Con
For over 40 years, San Diego California has been the place to be in mid-summer, as 130,000+ people converge on the city to take part in what is known as…
3D Printing to be Used to Bring Iron Man to US Military
There is a long history of innovation that has benefited civilian life, driven by military research and development. This time, the military is taking a cue from something that was…