laser etching
The Top 10 Things You Can Do with a Diode Laser
Diode lasers have become more and more popular among makers and hobbyists. The ability to cut or engrave almost any material is now available if you have a 3D printer…
Researchers Improve Femtosecond Selective Chemical Etching
In a paper entitled “Polarization-insensitive space-selective etching in fused silica induced by picosecond laser irradiation,” a group of researchers discusses space selective chemical etching, which can be achieved when fused…
3D Printing: The Stories We Missed This Week — September 10, 2016
The weekend may have finally arrived, but that doesn’t that 3D printing news is taking the day off. We’ve got a whole assortment of fresh stories for you from throughout…
Outside of the Additive Box: Sculpteo Unveils New Laser Engraving Service
As anyone who follows the 3D printing industry closely enough is aware, the France-based 3D printing company Sculpteo is not only known for their 3D printing services, but also for…
XpertFab’s ‘Creation Workstation’ Launches on Kickstarter: Desktop Factory for 3D Printing, Milling, Etching & More
According to health experts, sitting at our desks all day is killing us. The information is out there nearly everywhere we look, forcing us to envision bored and sedentary but…