Just3DPrint Loses Defamation Lawsuit Against 3DPrint.com, But IP Piracy in the 3D Printing Industry Remains
Beleaguered 3D printing startup Just3DPrint (Just Print It Inc.) lost its long shot defamation lawsuit against 3DPrint.com parent company 3DR Holdings this month, the last of three legal battles that…
How the 3D Design Community Can Better Protect Its Intellectual Property
3D printing has, in the scope of a just a few years, moved from a technology on the periphery—primarily used by large companies for industrial manufacturing—to the mainstream—a technology on…
MakerBot Responds to Shady eBay Store Selling Thingiverse Users’ 3D Models
In case you missed it, at the end of last week Thingiverse designer Loubie discovered that a store on eBay was selling 3D printed copies of one of her 3D…
When eBay Sellers Try to Defend Their Illegal Sale of 3D Models from Thingiverse, Comedy Ensues
[Editor’s Update: Legal experts and the industry at large are certainly taking notice of this hullabaloo and weighing in — and we can’t say it looks good for the guys at just3dprint….