SpaceX’s Dragon Returns to Earth with 3D Printed Objects Made on the ISS
On January 10th, the Dragon launched into the sky. After 29 operational days, it plunged back to Earth, landing with a splash last night. The Dragon in question, of course,…
Space Station’s Extreme Temp Freezer Gets a 3D Printed Liner
The International Space Station made 3D printing news late last year when it got its own 3D printer. Now it’s back in the news as it will soon make room…
An Overview of All 25 Parts NASA & Made In Space Have 3D Printed in Space
It’s hard to believe that months have already gone by since we experienced all the excitement, news, and chatter regarding the first 3D printer being sent into space. As the SpaceX…
Space Age Technology… in Space: 3D Print Challenge by NASA
There are few technologies that are currently revolutionizing human capabilities as much as those offered through 3D printing. What if you wanted to make that into something even more cutting…
Now NASA Lets You 3D Print The Wrench They ‘Emailed’ to Space
While it’s not the first 3D printed object made in space, it is the first item made to do work in space in the hands of an astronaut. When International…
First Ever Hardware is ‘Emailed’ to Space — Made In Space and NASA Email Wrench to ISS
Butch needed a wrench. Usually this isn’t a big deal, but Butch couldn’t just drive over to Home Depot and grab a new one. “Butch” is ISS Commander Barry Wilmore,…
NASA Tests Feasibility of 3D Printing on the Moon & Other Planets Using In-situ Materials and a Really Hot Laser
Recently, we have been hearing of the multiple methods that 3D printing will provide for the construction of buildings and other large structures outside of the earth’s atmosphere. 3D printing (also…
Students Submit Incredible 3D Printed Designs for Astronauts in Space
Space travel is such a fascinating concept to grasp. Ever since man stepped foot on the moon back in 1969, there has been growing talk of what the next human…
3D Printed Coffee Mug Will Allow Astronauts to Enjoy a Cup of Joe – May lead to further advancement of fluid systems in space
One of my favorite memories from my honeymoon a couple years ago was walking the streets of Rome, stopping into coffee shop after coffee shop, grabbing a different type of…
First Ever Functioning 3D Printed Object Has Been Fabricated in Space by NASA & Made In Space
One of the more fascinating applications for 3D printing is the fabrication of object in Space. NASA, as well as the European Space Industry, and several private companies, are working diligently…
10 Recent Ways 3D Printing is Changing the World – Fall 2014 Edition
“And in today already walks tomorrow.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge One of the most exciting aspects of the additive manufacturing industry is that right now it has nowhere to go…