hypersonic 3D printing
University of Arizona Gets $1.2M for Hypersonics 3D Printing
Hypersonic glide vehicles will need to resist incredible heat and pressure from flying at Mach Five and above. For that reason, the materials used to make them will likely be…
Hypersonic Engine with 3D Printed Parts Achieves Key Milestone in Hypersonic Flight
Hypersonic aircraft startup Hermeus has set a new milestone as Chimera, its flagship turbine-based cycle engine, demonstrated it can successfully transition from turbojet to ramjet. Such a transition allows reusable…
The Pentagon Wants to Use 3D Printing for Hypersonic Weapon Parts
A new project of the office of the secretary of defense (OSD) is looking to support the additive manufacturing required to build the Pentagon’s hypersonic capabilities. To that end, the…
US Air Force Explores Hypersonics 3D Printing at Arnolds Base
Hypersonics are a growing sector that hopes to launch missiles at speeds not just faster than sound, but even faster than that. To reach speeds beyond Mach 5, oxygen dispersion…