
Imperial College London Launches Summer Hackathon, Full of 3D Printing Activities and Grants

Over the last few years, hackathons have been rapidly growing in popularity, giving the maker community around the world ample opportunities to tinker with multiple technologies, such as computers, augmented…

Cyber Security Firm Uses a 3D Printed Mask to Fool iPhone X’s Facial Recognition Software

Anyone with an iPhone knows they have the choice to either set a numerical pass code or use their fingerprint embedded in the phone’s home button to unlock their phone,…

Inexpensive Robot with Open Source, 3D Printed Components Cracks a Safe in 30 Minutes at Hacker Convention

While the 3D printed, PIN-protected door lock by HPI looks cool, I’m pretty sure that a determined thief would find a way to get past it. The 3D printed, heavy…

Man Creates an Air Hockey Robot Using Parts from a 3D Printer

Building 3D printers has become a hobby for many tech hackers lately. With the price of these printers still hovering over $1000, the next best thing is to build your…